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ChronotriggerJM said:

I'm not prepared to read all that. But you being an employee has little bearing on the works of the company as a whole :/

But someone who has never worked for the company has lots of bearing?

Of course there will be passionate people about they're job. I'm not saying the people are ruthlessly savage and are out to get our money. I'm saying the decisions that occur with the people running it are rarely for the benefit of others.

You say you have to pay for a great service, but that's total BS. The PC markets been doing it forever. Sure some of the features are awesome, but that doesn't warrant paying for the service, it warrant's buying that console.

He didn't say you have to pay for great service, he said when you pay for a service, the company actually has funds to make that service better down the line. Sure, there are great services for a PC that are awesome, but do these free service really ever get better overtime?

Netflix. Seriously. On PC, if you have a netflix account, you can watch it for free by accessing they're site. Microsoft simply made it so you HAVE TO PAY FOR GOLD in order to use it. It could have been a silver inclusion for the masses, but that would only be beneficial for us, not them. Which is fine. It shows your genuine to your audience. But that would have been too kind for one of the wealthiest companies in the world -_-;

I disagree. You said it yourself, on PC you had netflix and you could watch it on your crappy 15" monitor. Which is why the service sucked and was quite useless. If you don't want to pay for GOLD, you don't get the netflix360... Plain and simple. Kind of like if you want the traffic conditions reported on your GPS you have to pay. Do you bitch and complain that you gotta pay for that? No, you don't. If you don't pay you DON'T GET IT. Don't complain cause your too cheap to pay for a service.

There is a reason that Microsoft has so much bad juju, they are not a model company. They represent the downside of corporations entirely too well. And it's not just because they're huge :/


All in all, I think Microsoft should have just stuck to software. It's what they do, and it's what they could have greatly contributed to.

You should read it, it's a great read.