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I never bought this HD thing as a big selling point for consoles. I was pretty sure it would be insignificant.
I'm a Home Theaters hobbyist since more than 10 years, and if there's sth I know, it's that most people are completely clueless on technology, and don't care one bit.
I got over it a long time ago, even though it causes me some problems. Because you see, in Europe, the best sets (RPTV) will soon disappear (they don't sell enough), because people can't recognize quality, and the sales clerk mislead them in thinking RPTV are old technology. That's because they make less money on these, as they're cheaper and have better quality image, so they would make no money on the other sets.

From my own experience, I know too that most people don't make any difference between SD and HD. Myself I don't on my set, which is so good it makes SD looks even better than on SDTV.
The HD crowd is passionate. Every time I hear them talk about their experience, it's "I think I'm out there", or "it has a 3D look". I'm amazed at how people can be manipulated by their expensive sets.
I never feel any of that when looking at HD content on my HDTV. It's just less blurry, that's all. And yes, outdoors sets are more beautiful, like the BBC demo, but I'm not as amazed as they are.
This crowd is very niche anyway, and given the money you have to put and the BS you have to sort out to have a correct HD set, I'm not surprised.

So very few people will actually be interested by HD. Another clue to me, was when XB360 owners were saying there's no difference in quality between their component cable and HDMI. It was obvious then, that they didn't care one bit about HD, it was just one more buzzword to put their console of choice forward.

HD is mostly for movies anyway. Full HD I should say, as in 1080p, as in what HDMI is really useful for. No current console can make games in true 1080p (not upscaled) that would be playable, they are limited to 720p. Which makes all this HD consoles talk even more nonsense.