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Yestday I stopped by Best Buy when I was coming back to town.

Wii- None, they said that had alot on Black Friday, but have gotten none since. WiiFit was sold out, I saw 2 customers walking around with MKWii as I was chatting with a few employees and they looked at each other and were like "When did we get that in?" They seemed really suprised to see it in stock. I looked around a but and could not find it... They must have gotten the last ones. SSBB was sold out, Galaxy was not well stock, It had 3 sold dedicated to it, but only 1 was full.  As a whole, the enite Wii section was really wiped out (over 50% of all spots were empty). I did notice a ton of Animal Crossing in stock (it was sold out when I went to this BB on friday). Oh, only 1 copy of Nerf and Strike : ).

360- Again, they had 3 seperates stacks of them there. One stack for each SKU, each stack was pretty full, the lowest was the Elites, about 60% full would be my guess. Did not analyze the Software too much, overall it looked like it was selling well. There were plenty of empty spots, and that is usually a good sign.

PS3- 1 larger stack (a bigger pile than the 360 piles, but only 1 pile) The pile was mostly 80gb skus, but the right 30% or so was the Uncharted Bundle. Software had a few empty spots, but overall it was well stocked.

I went to Walmart an hour or so ago to buy some pop, so I went to the games section to analyze things.

Wii- No Wii, No WiiFit, No MKWii... the usual. I talked to the worker for about 5 minutes. He said they had about 75 Wiis on black friday, but have not gotten any since. He said they got 10 wiifits today, but they were gone already. The Music games were empty. GH:WT W/o Guiter was on sale for 39.99 and was gone, and I could not find any of the game with the Guiter either. They only had 1 rockband, and that was the By itself version, and 1 track pack. They had 2 SMGs, 3 SSBB, they were low on WiiPlay, and many other games. I looked for Madden Wii, and could not find it...

360- they had 2 of each SKU in the glass. I did not ask about what they had in the back. Software was interesting. CODWaW for the 360 had 2 spaces dedicated to it, and both were empty, yes COD5 was soldout. Gears 2 was well stocked (I think there was 7 copies)... but gears 1 had only 1 copy in stock. There were other games in low stock, but I do not remember them.

PS3- 3 of each sku, did not ask about the back. COD5 was in decent stock (like 4), everything else was depressingly well stocked. Not much to say.



End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut