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No consoles didn't have hard drives. Pc's did >_> Blueprint A, meet Blueprint B.

Movies, been done online @_@;;; Microsoft made a gate that let you pay for them via console... good for them I guess?

Achievements... that's a tough issue at hand >_>;; Personally I think they're useless... I've played plenty of games that actually rewarded me for seeing they're game through entirely :P They were called cheats, and they rock. Sony's talking about making trophies worth more than a simple upgrade to ones E-Penis :) Should they do that, "achievement's" just got spanked :P I like that they put them there, it's encouragement to complete the game, but man are they pointless.

Sony's trying to push blu-disc as a new medium and they already offer full games :/ Again, something PC's been doing. Read my earlier comment.

Online components for 100% of they're games... which... you pay for... the 360 seems to mean jack @#$% for microsoft, Live on the other hand...

Down loadable content for games... (see above statement about PC's)

Microsoft pushes more on the Demo front, yeah it's cool :P But is that really smart on they're end? To me it seems like common sense that Sony should be trying to push... but just doesn't o.O; Maybe they don't want to be labeled "biting off of microsoft for supplying the obvious." I dunno.

Gold is not worth it. Fair and square. If the PSN is capable of playing catch up without charging. Then live has no excuse. People can keep throwing worth it out there all they want. But when all is said and done, my PS3 will have just as much online functionality as your 360, and I never paid a dime for it :/

I don't know much about XNA :P That's why I've said very little. I was simply curious as to whether or not Microsoft see's a profit from it. I mean PC's offer ton's and ton's of free flash games, and the people who made them probably did so out of passion and or want of a job. I think Castle Crashers is friggin awesome :P Started out on Newgrounds, made it super popular, then Bam, shows up on the marketplace. Friggin sweet. It was a small team that made it big. Classic success story. If MS offers this service so that smaller developers can get there name out there (similar to how PC's do it :x ) then good for them, but if they see profit from it other than the possibility of a future game released exclusively on they're console, then I call hacks ;/

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