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ChronotriggerJM said:

Ok, I had all these awesome answers for you >_> but I can't really give them because you put too many points to respond to, and I can't have my window open for that long (my boss does like... regular computer sweeps... kinda creepy)

ANYWAYS. I'll simplify :x

Microsoft doesn't really invent anything, they just seem to off the most basic, standard unit, and they want you to pay for gold >_> and all the stuff that should have been there in the first place ;/

Sony's got big aspirations and dreams for they're console, they just put it all in one device, and it's too expensive. Definitely the most valuable if you appreciate all the features. But most people won't, so it was a stupid move on they're part. But that's progress :/

XNA is cool, I don't know much about it, but I think it's a good move, personally I prefer the castle crashers method (make it big on the internet, then get paid for it :P ) but if MS want's to stick up for the little guy, that's cool. I just hope they (microsoft) dont' get a penny for anything sold on it, otherwise it was another move that just benefits themselves ;/ Not quite selfless.

@#%^@#@#$ maybe more later >_> I'll sneak this in while I can @_@

So consoles was hard drive before the Xbox, right?

Last I checked, Microsoft did quite a lot for the development of online service for consoles that both Sony and Nintendo owe a lot to:

  • Downloadable/Streaming Movies (PSN did it later, Nintendo is just starting to, 3 years after MS)
  • Achievements (PSN just added trophies this year)
  • Downloadable games (did it first with the Xbox)
  • Online components for 100% of games
  • Downloadable content for games

...And could you give me a reason how Wii and PSN offer anywhere near the same service Microsoft does for free? Silver offers far more content than PSN or WiiConnect offers. I can download 500 game demos for free. How many can you download on WiiConnect for free? How many can you download on PSN for free?

Yes, gold is the only one that offers online play for games, and that sucks, but the fact is that the service is actually worth it - if PSN and WiiConnect magically started charging $3-5/mo for their services, Microsoft would be butchering them by the sheer value that the $3/mo gets you for Gold.

And why are you making comments about XNA when you don't know anything about it? How many 1-man development teams are currently making games for WiiWare? How many new games are coming to PSN/WiiWare that are being made for pennies on the dollar? How many are giving away their toolsets for free? Last I checked, neither Nintendo nor Sony offered anything to help developers as much as Microsoft is.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.