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Retrasado said:
nightsurge said:
Party Monster said:
Microsoft is likely more concerned with their non-existent game lineup compared to PS3. MGS4 Vs. GeoW 2 = Consoles selling even despite PS3 costing twice what 360 does. Killzone 2, MAG, Infamous, Uncharted 2, Vs. Halo 3.5= The beginning of the end for 360. Unless, that is, they drop the price again. To $100 perhaps? I'll get one at that price... Maybe?

I seriously hope that was sarcasm.

MAG - no release date yet, probably not until 2010 or later since it only had a CGI trailer at E3 08.

Killzone 2 - all hype, no install base.  Probably outsells resistance 2, but not by much.

Infamous - ....

Uncharted 2 - may sell over 2 million LTD like the original has so far, but not a system seller.

The 360 has Halo Wars and Halo 3: ODST in 09 to please the Halo crowd, then a plethora of other games (including Multi-Plat) like APB, Cry On, Star Ocean 4, HAWX, Resident Evil 5, Bionic Commando, Fear 2 Project Origin, Alan Wake, Red Faction: Guerrilla, Ninja Blade, Prototype, Alpha Protocol, Final Fantasy XIII, Rise of the Argonauts, Fight Night Round 4, Dark Sides: Wrath of War, Defense Grid: The Awakening, The Godfather II, and many unannounced titles.  Some of this list may not come out in 09, but many will.

just a few comments here: #1. we don't know what part of the MAG trailer was CGI or no (the part in the fort was definitely CGI, but the first part looks bad enough it might have been from a build of the game). Other than a PSP game, the devs haven't released anything for nearly 3 years so MAG could definitely hit in 09.

#2. If you think KZ2 won't sell consoles but you count HAWX (a multi-plat title btw) as a good game for the 360, you need serious help

#3. only 3 of the games you mentioned after the Halo ones are 360 exclusives.

#4. you mention FFXIII (a multi-plat I might add) as a possible 09 game and yet you think MAG can't possibly release in 09? wth?

Also, the PS3 is definitely getting a price drop in 09. And that is 100% certainty. The 360 might, but it also might not. I can guarentee you a PS3 @ $300 will sell like crazy, if only because of the BD player.and also remember GOWIII. that game will sell consoles....

I'm not saying the PS3 will destroy the 360 in 09, but you've got to remember that momentum has already shifted twice in the 360 vs PS3 war (11/06 - 11/07--> 360, 12/07- 9/08 -> PS3, 10/08 - present --> 360). It will eventually shift back to the PS3.

#1.  It was all CGI.  And the game will not release in 09 per Sony's track record.  GT5 will barely squeak out by Christmas and it has been in development for ages.

#2. I never said any of those games would sell consoles separately, merely that the games offerings would all combine and show the better 360 line-up.  I also put in BOLD this time from my first post for you.

#3. Please see bolded section.  I also left out many unnofficial ones like Mass Effect 2.

#4. Again, see bold.  FFXIII has been in development a long time, and unlike MAG, it has been releasing more information all the time, including gameplay footage.  Of the 2 games, FFXIII is much more likely to make it out in 09 than MAG.

The PS3 is not "definitely" getting a price drop.  There is no 100% certainty.  In fact a head Sony rep said they WOULDN'T be dropping it in Spring time.  Sure they may still drop it in the fall, but I'm just letting you know that nothing is certain.  Also, they have not mentioned whether it will drop to $300 or $350 or anything at all.  GOWIII, has that seen a release date yet?  Probably another 2010 release.