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Darc Requiem said:
@Comrade Tovya

I agree with you. It why, in spite knowing Sony's financial situation, I still think they need a price cut early in 2009. If the 360 starts to pull away from the PS3 significantly, you are going to see the PS3 start to get the Gamecube treatment from 3rd Party developers. You'll see the number of multiplatform releases for the PS3 decrease. Sure major titles like Madden will be released for the platform, but titles from smaller and then medium sized publishers will start fall by the way side. Once third parties start pulling support they rarely reverse course.


Thank you!  That's exactly what I am trying to say.  People act as if being in last place means nothing, but from a developers stand point, it's huge.

We could literally see the PS3 losing to the 360 by 13-million units or more by this time next year.... that's why Sony just can't wait.  I spent too much on my PS3 to see it become the fringe system.  I'm still amazed that Sony screwed this generation up so badly.  I thought they learned how to conquer after the last generation, but apparently I was wrong.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
