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astrosmash said:
Comrade Tovya said:
I think that it is very shorted sighted for Sony to wait until late 2009. There is the distinct possibility that MS could outsell the PS3 by 200,000-units a week over the next 50 weeks (until the next holiday shopping season starts).

Therefore, they very well could be down by an additional 10,000,000-units.

I think Sony needs to get that price down this very second, and not wait at all. Sometimes you have to lose a little money to make money later on.


Funny, you and I have completely opposite notions of what short sighted means. I think it would be very short sighted of Sony to get caught up in worrying about comparisons to MS. I think it would be very short sighted of Sony to listened to their fanboys demands to fight back against MS, when their real enemy is their shrinking bank account.




I don't care what fanboys think, so that has nothing to do with me.  I think that if they get buried too deeply, they may fall too far behind to catch up.  And that means the trend of dual release sales being significantly short sold on the PS3 will continue... and that is bad for the bottom line.  I'm not neccesarily saying they should lose money on the console.  What I am saying is that they need to sell it at the break even point, and make their money back on the software.

This notion that Sony has to make money on the console to be profitable is just wrong.  Software sales is what made the PS2 so successful, and not simply the market saturation of the console.

I think that selling at a break even margin is good for the PS3 market share (which has nothing to do with "fanboys" and has everything to do with profits) and good for the Blu-ray technology they've sunk so much money into.

The PS3 and Blu-ray format are both not exactly dominating the marketplace, and don't appear to be headed in that direction either.  And that is bad for Sony's bank account as you put it.


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