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Comrade Tovya said:
I think that it is very shorted sighted for Sony to wait until late 2009. There is the distinct possibility that MS could outsell the PS3 by 200,000-units a week over the next 50 weeks (until the next holiday shopping season starts).

Therefore, they very well could be down by an additional 10,000,000-units.

I think Sony needs to get that price down this very second, and not wait at all. Sometimes you have to lose a little money to make money later on.


Funny, you and I have completely opposite notions of what short sighted means. I think it would be very short sighted of Sony to get caught up in worrying about comparisons to MS. I think it would be very short sighted of Sony to listened to their fanboys demands to fight back against MS, when their real enemy is their shrinking bank account.