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MikeB said:

Further game engine optimisations can bring down the 60% SPU load figure considerably. So potentially there should be even more headroom to do additional stuff.

Current processor loads can be easily determined through benchmark software, but future wizardly coding optimisation cannot be quantified.


that is true :p .. truly people who say the cell is nothing more than a commen processor needs to learn what a processor in particular does. (such as advanced ai and handling multiple tasks at once)



@ your other post

I hope so :p well i think that farcry 2 wasn't exacly that, but who knows, it might be another team who makes crysis (which is le shit(in a good wayXD) visually)


oh yeah, not to mention uncharted. That game with those visuals were able to stream everything with no framerate issues or anything of the like. That is truly amazingly well scripted engine. It's obvious it was designed around the cell :p

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