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Killzone 2's release date announced

Posted on December 4th, 2008 at 22:06 EDT

Yesterday, we reported that Killzone 2 would make a special appearance on G4TV's X-Play tonight. During the show, X-Play revealed two new weapons which include the Bolt Gun and Flamethrower. However, most importantly, the show revealed the official release date for what may be the most anticipated title of this generation. That date? February 27, 2009.

While the rumors going around assumed the release date would be on the 17 of that month, it seems estimates were off by ten days. It's not only a relief to finally have a release date nailed down, but to actually realize that this game is going to come out and soon. It feels like forever since that first rendered trailer made its appearance at E3.

Everyone mark down the date on your calendar. It's almost time to go to war.


Downie responds to issues regarding Killzone 2 preview code

Posted on December 5th, 2008 at 04:17 EDT

Guerrilla Games Q&A Manager Seb Downie has issued a response over on the Official PlayStation Forums in regards to the various complaints gamers have made on the latest preview code of Killzone 2.

"Hi folks,
I am getting a bunch of complaints about some things in the preview code and just wanted to clear this up for everyone.

The dialogue and voice-acting was not yet final and was placeholder for that build. Has since been improved a hundred times over.

Natkos face had a shading glitch in that build making him look a little weird and plastic. Has been fixed since.

Grain filter
The grain filter is still there. But the video compression is removing it. Looks better on screen.

Blood Meridian
Blood Merdian has been pulled forward in the level order compared where it was a year ago. As the weather become more violent throughout the game, the level of wind was too much for the second level of the game. This also has to do with it looking a little more 'blue'.

Sev and Narville's hair
I think this is a truely silly thing to bring up. I think you guys should all post pictures of your haircuts for me to mock.
One of the screenshots I have seen of him today make it look a bit strange I agree. The light catches his head and makes it look a little more blond/yellow. Is otherwise just really closely cropped."


And as an added bonus.. Killzone 2 only uses 60 percent of the SPUs power !


Holy shit !.. this is all some awesome news :P i can't wait for the game ! :D it's gonna be epic! .. also with the 60 percent usage announcement.. imagine god of war 3 .. oh yeah.. or when they get to a later point where they are able to use the most of the spus.. awesome stuff ! insane !

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