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patjuan32 said:
Tuulikk said:
patjuan32 said:
Guys, EA is just looking at the NPD results of Nintendo developed games and are following in their footsteps. They are not making creative games nor are they trying to develop games that fill in the genres that are not developed by Nintendo or other third parties.

MySims is more related to Animal Crossing than The Sims, a game that is already a hit with casual and core PC gamers.

EA is developing EA Fitness because Wii Fit has been a Megaton Seller.

Now they are developing Nascar Kart which is a Mario Kart clone. Everyone already knows how well Mario Kart is selling.

Geez, I wonder what EA is going to copy next? I honestly hope their strategy fails. They only see the Wii as a revenue stream. Instead of a gaming console. This is why the HD consoles receive more investment than the Wii. EA just needs to invest in the Wii and look for original titles or treat the Wii as a gaming console like the Xbox 360 and PS3. The Wii gamers like myself would not mind a Command and Conquer game on the Wii in SD nor would we be disappointed with a SD version of Dead Space. But unfortunately, EA is not willing to try. They'd rather clone all of Nintendo's games and make money than put forth any kind of effort.

EA's executives need to be fired. A kid could have come up with the copy what Nintendo is doing strategy.

So does it look like this in EA copying best selling Nintendo games, list?

Wii Sports
Wii Play
Wii Fit
Mario Kart Wii
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Mario Galaxy
Mario Party 8
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree
Super Paper Mario
Link's Crossbow Training
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves


Time EA did a platform game, a fighting game and best of all, a Zelda clone! I would love to play a new western Zelda clone on Wii!

Your supposed Joke is not remotely funny. Furthermore, if you read my post completely you would realize that I stated that EA needs to invest more in the Wii which they are not willing to do. Core games like a Zelda game require an investment of time and money. I also listed games that are considered casual for a purpose, which you obviously missed, to show what games EA is copying. If you are going to respond to my post please read it thoroughly before commenting.


Who's whining? I stated facts in my post. Those games you listed are selling but that does not mean that core games would not sell also. And EA execs still need to be fired. You did not change my point of view. The games you listed just cemented my claim.

You gave me an idea and therefore I responded to your post. And I do understand that you think EA needs to invest more in Wii then they are willing to do right now. I actually agree on that. If i mist your point with the casual games that EA copying, I would not have done my list. ;)

My post was a joke, it was serious and it was sarcasm, all at the same time. Sorry if you took it the wrong way and I apologize if I offended you. I don't mind all copying of game ideas. I just wish they would do some original exclusive core games for Wii as they do them for the HD consoles. And would EA or another developer/publisher base a adventure game on Ideas from Zelda and do it for Wii, then I and many others would buy it. But EA can't even see that, therefore they stand in darkness doing there casual games that keep on flopping or making a small success, but thats all.