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halogamer1989 said:
badgenome said:
BTFeather55 said:
Depends on how tough things are going to get -- talking about the big picture. In Ms favor, they have the 360 down below $199.99, so I am sure it will continue to do well. Still worry by a person in such a high place in Ms about the coming financial troubles of '09 does make one worry more about what's coming down the pike in all respects (not just gaming). So far as I can see the only idea that I've seen from anybody about what to do is hand rich people billions of dollers so they can give company managers bonuses and vacations to exotic islands. Yet nothing about how to assist those of us making $30,000.00 a year and less out. No one is bailing us out of our debts.

It took WWII to pull folks out of the first Great Depression. I don't know what it will take to either pull out or avert it from happening this time.



No.  Optimism (instead of "Oh my God" the sky is falling...Woe is me!!), smart investment, and letting companies actually fail for a change.  NO MORE BAILOUTS!


LOL good luck on theses. The media(boths sides btw) needs something to focus on and will continue to affect perception of the economy to everyones detriment. As for no more bailouts [sarcasam]don't you know its the american taxpayers duty to shore up all that foriegn debt[/sarcasam] no way well get out of that one. Optimisim has to start at the top and be extended through out the media(to influence all the sheep out there) because perception has become more important than reality.