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I have mentioned this before, and quite frankly it must scare the shit out of the Sony loyalists. I think this for a simple reason. I have yet to have a single one of them respond to this. Have any of you even stopped to consider what else Microsoft could spend that money on. I know you all have one track minds, but there are other avenues of victory besides having a low price point.

A year ago the conversation revolved around Microsoft buying exclusive games. Why is this no longer on the table for consideration. That is an entirely valid strategy for market dominance in regards to the high end consoles. Microsoft will retain the price point advantage regardless. So why not seize the opportunity to attack Sony on an entirely different front. Not only would it probably be more cost effective, but it would probably be more effective in the console war.

I suppose it would be dependent upon what they bought, but four prime exclusives, followed be a dozen mid range exclusives would be rather devastating in the console wars next year. That would be a fantastic way to turn a good PS3 lineup into a shit lineup. Better yet for Microsoft it could be a real buyers market as developers are more likely to take money up front. Rather then risk the bad economy.

Why settle for one advantage when you can have two advantages. Cutting the price on their console again is nothing but overkill. Securing a library two or three times better then the competition. Now that is traction with gamers that will last for years. No I do not think Microsoft will touch the price at all next year. They will use the money saved to reinvest in other areas advertising, library, or the online service. It just makes more sense for them to go at Sony in more ways then one. As I have said before if Microsoft leads this race on both price point, and software strength there isn't much Sony will be able to do. As a gamer it gets rather hard to look away at a better price followed by two dozen games you need to play.