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The other day I typed in "metal gear solid" to compare the sales of what I thought were only 4 games, and the 20+ results blew me away.  I really had no idea.  Graphic novels and shit?  Damn.  That's hardcore.

swyggi said:
Because in many respects it's true. Zelda and Mario use a lot of the same concepts, gameplay and formulas for every one of their major games. Zelda dungeons have a lot of repeats: Forest, Ice, Water and fire dungeons have been used several times over in Zelda games. Same z-targeting system in 3-D Zelda's, several of the same items and the storyline doesn't generally change much at all. You always seem to get either the boomerang or the bow and arrow during the beginning too.

Super Mario Sunshine however was something new and refreshing I'll admit because of the water pack, however you still collected stars in a linear fashion just like SM64 and SMG.

That doesn't mean anything bad or good. It just depends on how you look at it.

Are you complaining about Z targeting?  That was a huge revolution in gameplay that allowed 3rd-person melee and missile fighting to work in Ocarina of Time, and Nintendo isn't the only company still using it to this day.  You still do that in hardcore GTA games when you fight pimps and run over hookers and all that other awesome hardcore stuff.  You play GTA with Nintendo's control schemes and don't you forget it.

And I see in another post you're complaining about getting a small key to open a door?  What would you prefer?  No locked doors?  You blow the door up?  You pull a lever?  You press a button?  You step on a pressure switch?  There is a finite amount of ways to open doors, and they've all been done to death in video games.  I don't see why you'd complain about keys though, considering they're the only way to open doors that actually makes sense in the real world, where we all actually use keys.  Or do you have tripwires and heat sensors to open doors where you live?