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Naproxen is just Aleve. The rx version is just a higher dose of it I imagine. It is a basic anti-inflammatory and really won't have any effect on you other than reducing pain.

Tramadol is a weird one. It gives me a funny kind of high when I take it, but absolutely do not take it on an empty stomach. Those things do a number on you if you haven't eatten. As far as pain killers go though it is pretty good. Not strong enough to get you addicted easily, but strong enough to be very useful.

Cyclobenzaprine is just a run of the mill muscle relaxer. There is a good chance it will knock you out so don't take it if you want to be productive. I used to take it but it would make me sleep too much. Not much point in treating a disorder if you are never awake to do anything I say.

None of them have ever given me any bad side efects, and I have taken them all together even. If you have any general concerns about them feel free to ask. I can try to list some alternative non-prescription drugs to try if you are more comfortable with that.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229