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I used to be one.I loved my ps1 and I've played it with my cousins I remenber going all the weekends to play with them games like crash and soccer games and resident evil those were some good times *sigh*.By this time I had lost all interest in nintendo and the only nintendo product that I kept on supporting was the gameboy since I thought it rocked.Then came the ps2 which I loved here comes the pain up to this date in my opinion is the best wrestling game I've ever played.Afterwards I got tons of other games(Kh,GH,GOW,Sotc,SWBF and alot other.) I thought the gamecube sucked and I never played it.So then I was really hyped for the ps3 I remenber laughing at reggie when he said the he knew that the revolution was going to win this gen I thought he was crazy.The ps3 was going to have all this exclusives and I also remenber seeing a Devil May Cry 4 trailer and that it was coming exclusive the the ps3.But know the story.By this time of the year I thought I would buy a ps3(I already own a wii+360) but I see that there is really no need to get a ps3 since most of the ps3 games are on the 360 and *sigh* FFXIII .Anyway I hope kh3 comes to the ps3 then I'll have a good reason to get one plus god of war 3 is coming next year,I think.