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Damnit, I wrote a relatively long reply, but VGC decided to delete it -.-

Anyway, short story.

Wii Fit vs Ps3 gap is smaller than Ps3 vs X360.


Wii Fit vs Ps3 gap: 6.2M


Sales last 2 months:

Wii Fit: 3.2M

Ps3: 1.9M


After the holidays, I expect the gap to be 5-5.5M.

So Wii Fit would have to outsell Ps3 by 100K weekly to make it (as the difference in the holidays won't be a lot larger than 100K, holidays doesn't flaw that up, but say 80K).

As we can say Ps3 will sell somewhere around 11-13M next year (probably), this means Wii Fit would have to sell 16-18M.

If we assume 3M for December, this means it will need ~ 250K weekly at least to beat Ps3.

That is possible, but very optimistic. I'll say no.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS