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Max King of the Wild said:
Hyruken said:
As always Sony trying hard to run damage control and lets be honest the past 2 months there has been a lot of damage.
I can only speak for what it is like here in the UK not everywhere else but what the guy says simply does not add up. The PS3 has had it's floor space in Game/HMV/Zavvi and in some cases Blockbuster cut in half. The space has been taken over by 360 and Wii. If what he says is true then the companies would not do that as they would obviously feel confident of selling PS3 and it's items i.e games. The fact they have down-sized the area says they are not confident and they will sacrifice the space to make more sales on the other consoles. As far as i can tell the console is in decline all around here (London) and everywhere you go you see Wii and 360 billboards. Ironically the huge billboard that had Resistance 2 on it has now been changed to Gears of War 2. I personally felt that was a little harsh on R2.

So i think this is just more lies from the Sony camp and whatever they say they cannot hide from the fact they are getting spanked. We will see the NPD figures for NA next week and in that you would guess the 360 sold at bare minimum 400k more then PS3. But i think were really looking at a huge number gap, maybe even 1m units if the 360 has been undertracked and the PS3 overtracked. If that happens this will just dis-credit what he has said bigtime.


 because reeves is definatly talking about NA in his statement....

No the point i tried to make which obviously you didn't get is that Sony have no option but to come out and defend themselves right now. You got all over tv stuff about how bad the PS3 is doing in comparison to the other 2 consoles. They will try and claw back some of those feats other consoles are claiming, and in this instance it is the european numbers. Their numbers don't seem in line with what we are seeing here as if they have under 3rd of the shop then you would see huge volume of sales for the PS3 that would be noticable, at least a noticable as that of the 360. But it isn't. You go stand in a games shop here and i bet you will see very few PS3's go off the shelves, especially right now. So the point is for this guy's words to be true it would be visable to those in the country's and in UK as i said that just doesn't appear to be the case, at least here in London. So Sony want to say they are in front as it makes them look super great and that the 360 is not making any strides on the PS3, which again is just total bollocks.

So with the NA comment Sony know they have potentially a very bad next few weeks ahead media wise. You and i might read the sales on this site but the average Joe hasen't a clue. When the NPD figures come out it could be very very bad on the PS3, maybe even at max a 1m gap. If they came out after that and and said it people would just laugh at it. So that is why they said it now as you probably wont be hearing from them again until the price cut is announced which i bet will be sooner then later.