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thekitchensink said:
Retrasado said:
thekitchensink said:
It's the year 1940, and films will have been forgotten...

Do you believe Universal, MGM, and Disney will still be around?


see. that's the thing with technology, it really has no practicle upper limit. Take communications tech for example. first, you had yelling. then someone invented writing and you could send a message. same with smoke signals. Then, someone invented an electric generator and you had the telegraph and telephone. Then, someone discovered how to control electromagnetic radiation and you have radio and TV. But, you couldn't get it to travel for a long distance. then someone invented the liquid-fueled rocket and you have communications satelites. But you still couldn't manipulate the data or easily send stuff like documents and/or diagrams. then someone invented the computer and the internet.....

What I'm saying is, there's pretty much always going to be another thing you can do/try. I can think of a few, such as a Star Trek-style holodeck, that will take at least a couple hundred years to implement, so I don't think we'll hit the 'roof' on gaming anytime soon.




Now, couple this with 3D hologram technology (which is being worked on right now), and BAM!  You have an early Star Trek holodeck.

Yeah, a ghetto imitation holodeck

Transporters, replicators, and force fields!  We need them now!