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There are a number of ludicrous statements in this thread that need to be addressed in turn. The first of which is the source is credible. I am sorry to say this source is not credible. Far too often Sony has been caught red handed lying. I will gladly go and dig up some of the bodies to show you. So that I can illustrate my point vividly. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. However if your fool enough to take these statements at face value. I own a bridge in Brooklyn that I am looking to sell.

Another comment full of the bull is that they all lie. No they actually don't all lie for Nintendo and Microsoft it is the common practice to offer a no comment to rumors. Unless they are prepared to denounce them. In which case they are false. I have heard this before, but I have yet to see one link providing supporting evidence that either Nintendo or Microsoft have lied about their consoles or the games on them.

Getting to the point however there is no reason to lie. There is nothing wrong with offering a no comment. The problem for Sony is that they leak like mad, and they have zero credibility. Then need to fix the prior, and to resolve the second they need to stop lying. Which means they need to start firing their liars, and denounce them publicly.

Finally lying to consumers is not justified by self interest. There is no valid excuse to lie when you have the option of not commenting. There is no other way to put it then that lying to consumers is a heinous act. A act of premeditated evil. There are so many ways to have avoided this question. He could have even said pay no heed to rumors they are most often wrong, and that would have been perhaps ethically correct.

Stop excusing dishonest behavior. I swear if I see a price cut next spring I will probably start a email campaign that blasts any media that gives this guy an open soapbox that does not preface their article with what the liar told us today.