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You get 15 party members when you go back to Athlum after going to that city that has the dragon remnant (which is after the heroic ramparts). (Probably wind up being somewhere between 7-12 hours in).

I just got to the end boss on the first disk, wow broken hard (also seems very luck based). Up to the boss I pretty much stomped everything. I honestly don't mind grinding some quests or upgrading items, but everything up to the boss was very very easy for me.

Definately seems like there are huge balance issues in this game. Some abilities (like silence, poison, and caustic blast) do tremendous amounts of damage to groups with multiple units. Didn't the developers find it weird that silence did more damage than most other spells? I also believe to resist status effects everyone in the unit has to resist, if one person fails everyone gets hit by it.

"Multideadlock" seems to take away a huge amount of potentially strategy. You would think that you would have a tank unit which would deadlock a boss, then your other units would flank it. Nope, attack the boss with a weak unit and that unit will die. The less you attack the boss the less attacks he gets.

The fact that you can recruit all these leaders, but only use a few of them is also a very bizarre design choice. I really think they should have added a follower category who were weaker than leaders, but a little better than soldiers.

Anyhow, just some ramblings. Having fun, but the balance issues can be pretty bad and frustrating. The technical issues are a non issue for me, I'm suprised by how many reviewers focused on those.