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Dianko said:
Well, Reeves mentions internal figures, while MS routinely mentions their data comes from Gfk/Chart-track, so is it possible that Sony has shipped more, but MS has actually sold more?


The differences between shipped and sold, for the X360 and PS3, will be meaningless.  No retail outlet will stockpile either of these consoles, unlike the Wii.  For all intensive purposes, shipped will be on par with sold, on a delayed basis.

Also remember that, once its shipped to the retailer, that's it, the retailer who ordered the shipment owns the console.  Shipped == sold, as far as Sony and MS are concerned.  The only way the retailer can recieve money back from Sony/MS at that point, is by means of honoring a manufacturer pricecut, where they are reimbursed the difference on units they still own.