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Scruff7 said:
polezo said:

The hard part about guessing here is that this generation has more potential to last longer than the last gen. Sure the 360 has a sizable lead now, but this race will end up more like a marathon if sony stays true to its 10 year lifecycle.

That said, I think that if the 360 gets a 7.5 mil lead before the next Ps3 price cut, it will have 2nd place locked up.

good post. the point about the length of this generation is a good one. it may go on much longer and inconsistantly (ie. I think the lifespan of the PS3 will be longer) which will make it interesting.

but a hero is only defined by the greatness of its nemesis (Batman would be rubbish taking on Barry the car stereo theif) so do we define the end of the generation as the point at which the last surviving console closes, or when the first leaves?

Even if the PS3 can do a price cut (in March as rumoured) i don't think they can drop it to become a real competitor to the Xbox price.


Yeah, I don't think they could lower it too much below $300 or any where near the Arcade price (unless they release a new SKU), but consumers still could start seeing it as a more value worthy purchase at that point.

Haha, and yeah, your hero analogy is apt in terms of defining fan following, but it terms of defining long term profitability it could be in sony's favor.  One scenario where this could happen is M$oft investing millions upon millions on R&D of getting their next-gen system on the market first again, while at the same time the PS3 hits mass market price and Blu-Ray overtakes DVD as the most popular movie format.  Sure gamers will eat up the x720 and play it to its full potential, but the PS3 will be where the real cash is at.