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Fellow Sony fans,

I've been a die hard Sony fan for many a year now. I have joined you all buying the gear, anticipating every release, and loving the brand. I have waited beside you, with baited breath for the glorious release of the masterly crafted (yes, for it is 'crafted') Playstation 3. Bought on day one, snatched from the chubby grip of the 'Game' shop assistant.

I played. oh, how i played! a collection of 9 games, bought on release date each. For hours, glued to the screen.

And all that time, watching the numbers on VGC, waiting, patiently, for the world to realise the majesty of the PS3, for the mass market to realise just how amazing this sleek black box is; to turn its back on its rivals and embrace, wholly, as one, the PlayStation3.

But that day never came, and i feel now, it never will...

Always it was: "just wait until...." with successive 'untils' failing to break the market. MGS4, GT5P, Haze, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2... all faded in comparison to their rivals, never reaching that peak.

And now, with grim realisation, i feel it coming to an end. Will the PlayStation 3 break its competitors? I feel not. Sony have lost, this time. Microsoft have played an astounding game, have out performed Sony at every turn, even breaking into Japan, and for that i give credit.

Microsoft have developed a console that works, plays great games, has a range of functions, meets the demands of the market and is cheap.

And Nintendo, well, what more can be said? back where they belong, showing the world that games really are for everyone.

I will, of course, stand by my machine in believing it is still the greatest console out there and i am still overjoyed everytime i see the XMB fade in. And i have games, more than i have the time to play, with even more greater ones in the near future. We can no longer rely on the 'Untils', they will be great, but they will never be enough.

I cannot deny the success of Microsoft and the Xbox360, they have truly faught on through and established themselves as the HD console of choice.

And so, i invite you all, to join me in enjoying a slice of humble pie and to modestly congratulate the 360 a battle well faught, and return to our gaming devices each, and enjoy them.

Atari 2600, Sega Mega Drive, Game Boy, Game Boy Advanced, N64, Playstation, Xbox, PSP Phat, PSP 3000, and PS3 60gb (upgraded to 320gb), NDS

Linux Ubuntu user

Favourite game: Killzone 3