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DMeisterJ said:
Shadowblind said:
DMeisterJ said:
Good. They should be.

It is the 360's peak year.

 Really? I thought 2006 was the year of 360? Oh, and 2007 was the 360s peak year. So....2008 is the peak year too?


"2009 was the 360s peak year. Just wait, in 2010 the PS3 is going to murder it with a price cut!" -- Generic quote made by those who do not Jump In in October-November 2009

Holy cow I think I saw the future.

How would 2006 or 2007 be the 360's peak year?  When have I ever said that?  Oh, you're trolling?  Oh, okay.


Anyway, I'm simply repeating what TheSource has said many times before.  The third year of sales is the peak year.  And most consoles follow that trend to a "T".  Given the price point of the system, and the resulting sales, it's fairly obvious that the 360 will have the bulk of it's sales this year.  There will not be any price drops next year, given how often and much they dropped prices this year.  We won't see a sub-200 360 for a good while in NA, and with the two price cuts in EU, there's no price cut coming next year.  JP, maybe, but 360 is dead over there.  The perfect storm that was price cuts will not happen again in 2009, and by 2010 MS will be gearing up for the next XBOX. 

Trust me, 360 sales will not be higher for Calendar Year 09 than Calendar Year 08. 

If you disagree with me, you also disagree with TheSource.

P.S.  Your psychic skills suck ass.


TheSource said:

Well the third full year is normally the peak year of a console anyway.


Either you JUST came on the internet this year, or your bad at lying. In 2006, it was called the year of the 360. Anti-360 fanboys trolled around the idea that Gears of War one was the peak, the best, the 360 could ever accomplish, and they pointed to an article stating that Gears 1 was the limit.

Fast forward about 6 months. 360 gets much even better sales then the previous year. We have fanboy fanaticands stating that this is the best the 360 will ever do, because from there its all downhill as the new PS3 price cut will take away sales from 360 and leave it to die. This is 2007 and early 2008.

Fast forward 2008. Fanboys aggresively stating, once again, the 360 has reached its peak, its only downhill from here, trolltrolltroll blahblahblah. Look at your post. Enough said.

You can deny it, hate it, cry for it, but like it or not, the 360 isn't gonna let up steam. The 360 will continue to push the expectations as long as it exists. You can quote me on that. Quoting past generations is moot; does this generation LOOK like any of the others?



GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.