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From that got it from CVG



Microsoft preps for 'tough times' in 2009

Chatting with Reuters, Microsoft's big man Shane Kim is optimistic about holiday sales but warns that next year, the Xbox and the games industry as a whole may experience "tough times."

"While they [consumers] may cut back on large purchases like automobiles or appliances, they're still looking for entertainment," admitted Kim, but acknowledged unpredictable economic conditions going into 2009 may affect the industry. So, to be safe, Kim and company are assessing where costs can be cut and where money can be saved. An activity we're all having to do.


CVG 's Article

Xbox division plans for "tough times"

Shane Kim reckons things will get tough next year...

Microsoft's big boss of games, Shane Kim, believes times could get tough next year as the credit crunch (or recession as it's now being known) bites even harder and we all stop buying the fun.

Kim told a Reuters Media Summit that the games business is on track to grow 20 percent this year, but "people are not projecting that kind of growth" for 2009.

"Who knows, maybe flat performance will be considered a remarkable achievement," he said. "It's difficult to predict the future," he added, noting the gaming industry has traditionally fared well in hard times. "While they may cut back on large purchases like automobiles or appliances, they're still looking for entertainment."

We'll take Halo: ABCD (or whatever it's called) and GT5 over a new fridge any day.

Kim said his unit is planning for "tough times" but "a big objective for us is to deliver most entertainment value for the dollar," he said.

Will you be tightening your belt next year or letting it all hang out? Sound off below.

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o