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1 Wii Has excellent game quality - the games have consistent 30fps framerates - the PS3 at least (i dont know about X360) has many titles which have are very poor quality - low famerates, bad motion controller lag etc.

2 Wii had the best interface of this generation and the game software actually uses it - sure the Ps3 has motion support notice only two games Motorstorm and Wieout HD actually use it, and the OS it's self actually does not support it - in fact no PS3 game that i am aware of has really good motion support - unlike the Wii software.

3 Wii has an optical mouse like device as part of the motion capability - it's highly intuitive simple to use like a mac , while the X360 and PS3 are using devices which are based directly on antiquated 16-32 bit console era and these are slow, inaccurate , awkward (compared to the PC which actually has a mouse) and the games interfaces are un-intuitive with of large numbers of almost randomly assigned buttons.

4 Wii is power efficient it uses 20 watts and the PS3 and X360 are around 150watts. A side effect is that the Wii is highly reliable and quiet. While the Xbox360 is noisy, unreliable and the power supply operates close to it's melting point and can catch on fire it runs so hot. PS3 is extremly well designed which overcomes noise and overheating issues but is still power hungry compared to Wii.

5 Wii is small and compact - while X360 is a noisy , hulking and hideous looking modern art. And the X360 arcade had wired controllers like something from out of the 8 bit era - you will have hours of fun unraveling power coords and external peripherals and controllers on the X360 arcade.

6 Most X360 and PS3 games are FPS style games designed to use a mouse interface yet Xbox360 and PS3 consoles don't suppport in game mouse. The games work and play far better on PC and people only buy an X360 or PS3 if they cant afford a PC and deal with all the PC issues and costs. Wii does not try to compete directly with PC in graphics but it's games still offer an intuitive mouse like interface which is good for many PC type games.

7 Wii has a whole suite of unique and interesting games using motion interfaces and has no competition - it's getting customers from a far wider range of people and providing games which promote FUN and multiplayer interaction.

Someone once said - it's progress to make things more complicated - But it takes true genius to make them simple.
That is what the Wii has done it - it's design and software is simple yet ingenius.


PS3 number 1 fan