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it depends on when Sony gives the PS3 a price cut. if sony gives it a price cut within the first 5 months of 2009 i say no, but if sony decides not to cut the price until late 2009 i say 360 will reach 20 mil before ps3 reaches 10

I started making videos for youtube; check them out.

Contra (No Deaths):

Super C (No Deaths):

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (Mike Tyson TKO):

Systems owned: Atari 2600, NES(3), Top loader NES, Yobo NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega Gamegear, Sega Nomad, Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Playstation 2, Wii, PS3 (slim 120 GB), Wii U

You should congratulate me. I destroyed the vile red falcon and saved the universe. I consider myself a hero.