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noname2200 said:
Zucas said:

I think the thing to learn from these trends is Wii games are "trendy" and I don't mean that to be a pun. It's just they get big not at release for the most part but when mainstream notices them. And when they notice them is not really dependent on anything aside from holidays. And sometimes its not even about them noticing it but simply buying off brand during the holidays. It'll get popular and everyone will want it because the increased sales means the dev can do some more viral marketing.

You posted in another thread that publishers seem to be starting to grasp this too, and I think you're right. EA explicitly said something along those lines for Boom Blox (when "lol 3rd party flop" was shoved in his face, twice, by a gaming "journalist"), and it seems THQ is taking the same attitude towards de Blob. Then there's the chance that Activision is feeling the same (as you pointed out).

Curious, that. I hadn't expected the executives to clue in quite so quickly.

Yea I believe I said that considering I was discussing it with Outlaw today at college.  But yea it's basically 3rd parties are starting to grasp that their business model with Wii and really DS as well has to be slightly different.  And that is to first understand how the trends are going.  That being that you will do well but usually not for awhile unless your Nintendo.  And I think that's really help up for most games especially with mainstream titles.

I mean it's a lot more difficult for new IPs to get a share but I think Boom Blox and De Blob have shown where positive reviews have led the core gamers in which eventually makes the title over time to become mainstream.  Both of them had similar trends where they started off kinda slow but steady sales and then they just start to explode when the holidays come around as the maisntream buy into it. 

So yea it seems that the developers are starting to understand this.  If anyone understood it well it was Sega with mario and Sonic as that just shows you how if you know how to enter the Wii market then it won't take long to have sales that bring you profits out the wazzoo.  But yea it's settled in with EA and THQ as well and that's why their mainstream properties along with their new ones are doing quite well.