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Epoch said:
bbsin said:
Jackson50 said:
bbsin said:Give it a rest. There's not one game I know of that displays an immunity to dying from getting shot on the foot.

If you want to play the "photo realism card", it IS possible to faint and (or then) die by getting shot on the leg.

Also, the shot you were talking about hit slightly under his kneecap, not anywhere near the foot.


Oh, I now understand why he died after one was a slightly below the knee cap shot. That is nearly as fatal as a head or chest shot. 


What's your point? name me a game that prevents the player from dying if a bullet hits anywhere besides the chest or head. If you can't, then stop your meaningless bickering. 

I guess we should also criticize Gears of War for allowing players to live even after getting shot in the face with a lancer bullet.

Woa woa woa, lets not go getting all defensive now, after all, you didn't make the game (did you?)

However, I believe that a high power rifle shot to the leg, would indeed kill you, albeit slowly.  Massive blood loss is a bitch. 

But I think it would be sweet if when he was shot the guys leg kicked back and he fell to the ground and began crawling for a place to hide.  THAT would be badass.


Excuse me? I'd love to hear your opinion of how exactly am I the one that's being "defensive".

FPS games aren't simulators of realistic human bodies. The models you see before you are just a bunch of hitboxes with health points covered in textures. When the hitpoints go below zero, the model dies. It's not hard to grasp, every game runs this way.

But hey, I bet you didn't know that there are sniper rifles that currently exist that can blow your legs off which would result in the victim fainting due to shock, and eventual death due to blood loss huh? But then again, if I said that, some people would use the missing animation of a leg falling off as another stupid arguement.

This whole nit picking of detail makes some of you look pretty defensive, there's always an excuse somewhere.