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I've had my back go out once or twice. I recommend taking your meds, drinking a lot (mostly not at the same time as the meds), and getting Wii Fit. Sit-ups and balance practice have been great for my posture and my back hasn't gone out in a long time.

But my problem isn't as bad as yours. It only comes from lifting things or stretching the wrong way when my back is stiff. I can't imagine how bad it would be to go out just climbing stairs.

Sit-ups and whatever you call their opposite (back-ups) are amazing. You get the muscles in your lower back super buff and they'll take a lot of the stress off the weak parts.

Good luck though. Meds and booze and online gaming should help. How bad are the side effects on these meds? Are they worse than having a horrible back? Are they just pain killers or are they supposed to stop swelling or are they muscle relaxants as well?