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Soriku said:

1. ToV isn't a sequel to anything. It's a new original Tales IP.

2. Well duh the 360 is better than the PS3 development wise. But still doesn't trump the Wii in terms of easiness and less cost.

3. Attach ratios don't mean crap. You could have a console with 100 units sold and every game released sells 1 copy to each unit and the console would have 100% ratio. Does that make it better than the console that has 30 mil units sold and a game sold 3 mil but only sold to 10% of the ratio? No. Raw numbers is what counts. Raw numbers and development, marketing, etc. tied in. That goes with #2.

4. Not like KH games have had DLC anyway, so what's the point of bringing it up? Many HD RPGs don't have DLC...why should this suddenly become a plus? Chances are if they make KH3 for the 360 they'd include everything in the disc without need for DLC.

5. None of the Wii's core games are even big. ToS: DotNW is much smaller than ToV when comparing, yet it already outsold it. NMH sold 300k but is Suda's best selling title. Games on the GC, PS2, GBA, etc. from him? Didn't get near that. So really, many core games have sold fine. The bigger core games like SSBB or Zelda or whatever have sold in the millions. Sure, they're Nintendo titles, but so what? They're big games...just like KH.

6. Only in NA. In Japan and EU where more than half sales come from, the Wii is kicking the 360's ass without any big third party titles.

1. ToV is still a sequel in the Tales franchise, even if it's not a direct sequel to the previous game, as ToS2 is....Isn't Grand Theft Auto: Vice City a sequel to III? I think so.

3. Ok, attach ratios don't mean crap, eh? Then how is the Xbox 360 is within 2 million software units for the year in North America and Japan combined, but a gap of 10 million hardware units in the same territories?

4. Neither did the Tales series before hitting the X360. But DLC exists for Tales of Vesperia, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Oblivion, and almost every other RPG for the X360.

5. Still doesn't change the fact that the X360 has sold far more games.

6. And as shown, the X360 has sold enough software in North America to cross a significant portion of that gap - it's within 2 million software units between North America and Japan combined. And that's even including every first-party Nintendo title that's sold! The 3rd party game would be even larger in the X360's favor!


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.