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Morgyn said:

I've yet to find an example in real racing where contact is punished by Time Penalties. Disqualification, yes. and I'd expect that.

Same goes for leaving the track. If you overcook a corner in games that punish for such things, you are doublely punished.. once for leaving a track and again for the speed and recovery. Its rediculous and takes the fun out of it.

If you stray from the predefined "racing line" you are punished, the only way to overtake is to take the straights and better handling can never win, because as soon as you've taken a position in a different line either by breaking early or late depending on the corner, you are instantly in the wrong, so the "correct line" driver can ram you with impunity even though this is not how it works in real racing.

If they did include it, even for just multiplayer games. Then it'd better be an option, and I'd put money on 90% of people leaving it off as the wrong person gets punished way too often.

Time Penalties for collisions and leaving the track are the worst thing thats happened to racing games for years, LFS is a good example of how it should be done if you want a non GT perspective.


Time penalites exist for speeding in the pits (particularly F1 but I'm sure other forms have a similar thing) but I'm not currently aware of one for bumping.  There are a myriad of penalties in the various forms of racing that involve some type of "pause" for the driver or forced movement to the rear of the pack or something similar.  A simple time penalty in the game is a good way to factor in and penalize for agressive driving so personally I like it (at least in Forza 2)  I do agree with the off-track penalty being a double whammy, though, because you lose all sorts of speed and time and it's just not necessary.  I hate to keep bringing Forza 2 up because I'm trying not to be a fanboy, but the AI in forza does a great job of NOT bumping if you clearly have the right of way in a turn.  I can't recall any glaring situation where I clearly was in the right and the AI rammed into me.  I notice on many occasions where the AI will swerve slightly to avoid a bump when we are side by side in a turn or my nose is far enough in that bumping me would be "cutting me off".  I'd really like to see GT5 take it to the next level and add damage modelling that not only looks good (Forza is really cool) but also affects the way the car handles in a significant way.  Add 60fps 1080P and phenomenal textures and I'm buying the game, a steering wheel, and I'm taking some time off, lol.

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.