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Endz said:
The article's bases their claim by PS3's Cell technology, while many topics on this site discredit all the awesome things Sony have said (in commercials, etc.) about the Cell. I still see hardly any difference between xbox 360 and PS3 games, the only real advantage PS3 seems to have is blu-ray discs and it does seem like a valid advantage but still not enough.


While I certainly enjoy my Blu-ray player that is built in to my PS3, I really don't think it's an advantage this console generation when it comes to games on Blu-ray discs.  Games can more than sufficiently fit on the 8.55gb that a single sided dual layer DVD allows right now.  Next gen, the Blu-ray may very well pay off for Sony as a game media, but I think it hurt them because of the added disc & console cost this gen. (when I say disc cost, I mean the cost to Sony/3rd parties, because it costs them significantly more to put a game on a BD than a standard DVD, and the eat the cost, not us the consumers)


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