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Ok well I have one of those new alarm clocks, you know the ones that set the time all by them selves. Ok well they are not that new, but it's new to me, only had it for about a year.

Anyhoo.. it has 2 different alarms, one for say morning, and one for another time, for people like me that like to take a short nap after work. I tend to over sleep when I take a nap, so this way if i go to bed after work (say around 5pm) I don't wake up at midnight because my second alarm is good to go..

Anyhoo#2.. I guess I switched the wrong alarm because I woke up at 7:00am when I usually wake up at 6:00 hit snooze 3X's until it's 6:30 and then take a shower (I have to take a shower Every night and morning, or it ruins my day/night) and eat my morning English muffin my wife makes me.

Well needles to say i was freakin late, so I call work to let them know I will be late, took a shower shoved the muffin into my mouth (not my wifes, but the food) and ran out the door.

I get to work and to my surprise I'm only 5min late, so I run into the employee entrance of the Casino and everything is going good thus far.

I start to run up stairs, skipping every other step, so I'm skipping steps to get up faster, and everything is going good until the second set, I lift my leg and I feel a POP and then my Chest tightens...

I knew what happened because it happened before.. but this time it was more of a shock, as out of the blue, just from running up stairs I pulled my back out.. I stop and grab my chest as at the same time I think I'm having a heart attack because I lost my breath...

I then try my hardest to get to the clock in machine.. I clock in and slowly make my way to the conference room. I apologize for being late and sit down..

A short time later the meeting is over and everyone gets up to go to work.. but I'm stuck, can't move, I have my hands on the table in a bracing myself stance.

I tell the MRT (Medical Unit) "I can't move" he looks down and asked "what do you mean" I explain what happened until the point of our conversation, he calls someone else over, including my supervisor and they try and help me up but it doesn't work.

I sit there for about 10 minutes with them massaging my back, giving me water and trying to move me into different positions, finally I get to my feet and start to walk around, I decide to work, walking the Casino floor, but I had enough.

I let them know I need to go to the doctor and get checked out, they send me on my way, helping me to my vehicle.

I get to the doctor and he gives me some meds (I did not take them I do not like taking meds, when I was younger I would pop a pill just for fun, but as you get older you don't get the same fun reaction with meds).

These pills have crazy side effects, that scare the hell out of me.

So I'm sitting here on VGchartz all day, now I'm drinking some beer & tequlia sitting hunched over so I do not upset my back, getting ready to start up STEAM and play something..

CR@P... I'm sorry.. I guess I just kind of went on a ramble.. my bad..I tend to do this sometimes.

Kudos again to the person that read this whole thing.

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o