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I think IGN's comments are valuable, but I think posting it as a story is kinda wrong. This late in the dev cycle, not much is going to change in a big game like KZ2 -- there won't be new AI types, new weapons, sweeping story changes, etc. That stuff all needs to get thoroughly tested and the game needs to be out the door a good month (or more like 6 weeks) before it hits the shelves, for printing and shipping.

I hope IGN shared these tidbits with Guerilla long before they shared them with the public, if they actually expect any results.  At the same time, they've gone and given themselves a foundation from which to criticize KZ2 with this article.  Again, it would be lame of them to have not shared this feedback earlier -- I doubt Guerilla asked for this feedback recently, actually.

Many of the comments on the article are inflammatory, from other people who appear to have played the single player campaign beta somewhat.  I would wager that Guerilla did indeed address some of the issues that IGN mentioned, although not necessarily all of them, or in the way IGN, or other responders to Guerilla's survey, "asked" for.

It kinda sounds like KZ2 is destined to get a "10" in the graphics dept, from IGN and everywhere else.  I hope the rest of the game scores as well.