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Well I was bored waiting for the American numbers today so I decided to check out if there were any trademarks for the game.  So I looked it up and it turns out that this game is owned by... Nintendo.

Was registered May 13, 2003.  Now what does this mean?  Well it doesn't necessarily mean Nintendo owns the property but they have the name trademarked.  Meaning legally, Silicon Knights can't use the title in any game without permission from Nintendo themselves.  Thus if they were ever to create a game like this and didn't want it to be on a Nintendo console they would have to call it something completely different.  Unless, of course, Nintendo agreed to let them use the name but that's doubtful knowing Nintendo.

Also we do know that Nintendo owns the patent to the game's main feature called the Sanity meter:


So in my boredom I hope that clears up a few things.  What we know now is that Ninty is the owner of the name and more than likely the property.  Also we know that if Silicon Knights were to ever start development on such a title, Nintendo would have to be a direct partner with them to even get the name and the Sanity meter in the game.  Thus its more than likely this title would hit as a Nintendo only game if it was ever ported or expanded upon.