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to the anti wii fanboys:

maybe I prefer the Wii to any of the other systems out right now (minus the ds) due to its immersion, its games, and controls.

Maybe I've been gaming for 20 years, and hate the implication that only "noobs" play on it, because that simply is not true.

stop trying to act so damn snobby and fanboyish, like everyone that got a wii is either an old lady or a small child, or in some way duped into it. that is utter BS and you know it.....

you guys crutch onto one excuse like:

"its cheaper, thats why it sells"

but the 360 arcade now disproves that, so you find another one to cling to:

"uhhhh people buy it because they don't know any better...."

I am getting tired of this idiocy, stop being bitter because the hardcorez is not winning out, and get over it.