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thekitchensink said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
xlost7 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Im still a KH Fan, but looking back at it there was only 3 reasons i kept on playing the series.

1: Final Fantasy Characters. Squall/Leon & Sephiroth Rocks!

2: Pretty decent battle system, like a tweked Chaos Legion only...with disney characters...

3: I am Not saying 3 for many reasons due to the fact it may disturb some of you...

All in all imo i may / may not pick it up. how long is it btw?


I can agree, the Final Fantasy and the Disney characters is one of the main reasons I'm a KH fan and plus it was the main reason for me to get a PS2 in the first pops bought the PS2 in mind for my sisters and my sisters wanted KH, so I was like okay I like it too and was kinda forced, but to this day I am a fan. Enjoyed the original KH, KH: Chain of Memories and KH2.

What is reason 3?

The game is an average of 20-30 hours and you can replay the game again in Rebirth/Reverse mode and get another story.

So about 50-70 hours in total then? Seems fair enough, and @ 30 dollars cant really go wrong.

And as for reason 3...Really now i think i may be avoided here on VG if i >_> ...


My response is either A) Yes, I agree, Kairi IS hot, or B) Playing finger DDR to The Little Mermaind rules


Can anyone confirm if that PS3 glitch is real?  I would dismiss it if not for the fact that Indigo Prophecy similar glitch about halfway through.  I really want the game (KH is my favourite Square series by far), but I don't have a PS2 anymore since BC systems are supposed to, you know, be BC.

Im not sure about the glitch lol. it might be for those with the Emuulation version of PS2 backwards but not with the emotion engine just my opinion of course.

As for your guess....Damn thats REALLY close on BOTH of your answers...BUT not quite nice try though lol... >_>