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NJ5 said:
drkohler said:

After reading through tons of Pioneer websites and related technology forums, it is pretty obvious (as I expected) that NONE of the currently available blu-ray drives are capable of reading a 400Gbyte 16 layer disc, as the pickup and data separation electronics and mechanics are way too unprecise on current drives.

I was finding this hard to believe too... Not that it matters much for games anyway.

Even if it did work, wouldn't it be unbearably slow? At least dual-layer DVDs read slower than single-layer ones.

Not necessarily. Once you have multiple signals entering your data separator circuitry, you are essentially in trouble. From a certain point on, it does not really matter whether your signal is distorted from 2 other layers or 15 other layers. The signals from the direct neighbours of the layer you actually want to figure out are the main sources of interference. Layers "further away" don't pose a signifcant technical problem and contribute far less to the distortion (though "far away" is a relative temr here. With umpteen layers, it might need other tricks like polarisers for example). So I guess a working three layer system can be more or less easily adopted to umpteen layers.