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Aiemond said:
Kasz216 said:
Aiemond said:
The state of Hawii says it exists, says they have seen it in person, and have photos of it them holding it. Unless everyone is lying and it is a big conspiracy, which is VERY unlikely he has it. And, you know he has had to use it in the past to get stuff like driver's license.

Fact also has links to Obama.

The state of Hawaii says nothing other then they can't release files that are in the public record without the person requeseting so.



 Then nothing is going to prove it to you. You realize he has had to use it in the past to get documents, etc. Have you made it through your life without using your BC? And that this organization is totally lying and made up the BC that they are holding? So whats next, a CNN reporter holds it and it is the liberal media covering it up? Are you only going to believe it if Rush says its real?

Plus, officials in Hawii have said they have see the damn thing.

"Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures," Fukino said

No.  Yet i have to show it every time i want a new job. 

So should he?

If they've seen it... why doesn't he release it? 

What's the actual problem with doing what every other american has to do.

It's got nothing to do with them "lieing" Factcheck said they got a hold of the document I believe through smoking gun.  Etc. 

Fact Check exists still today in large part due to Obama.

I mean... would you trust CNN if there was some question about something Ted Turner did and they said "We've seen the documents... turner did nothing wrong?"

What would "prove" it to me would be if Obama agreed to have a copy released.  It was released and it was shown to Alan Keyes and the Judge in the case.

Case closed, no? One phone call is all it'd take.