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Onyxmeth said:
DMeisterJ said:
Onyxmeth said:
DMeisterJ said:
Onyxmeth said:
every thing online should be free

Holy crap! Really? Damn, I should call up Cablevision and let them know this so they can stop charging me $33 a month for online.

You should!  Tons of cities have Free Wi-fi.  Even my city is about to have it. And you had better believe once that happens, My family will cancell our internet service post-haste. 

But I'm sure that he meant online gaming, and was talking about MS.  Look at the avatar.

Off-topic:  I like ur tag.  Fitting.

So who foots the bill for this free Wi-fi?

Off-topic: I miss the part of your sig with your number of unjust bannings.

Taxpayers?  IDK, I'm jobless so I don't give a ----

Off-topic:  Well, it's only been one, and the only mod that gave me an unjust banning is a complete douche.  >_>

Bingo! Taxpayers! I applaud you for your ability to afford a sizeable gaming collection without the need for a job, but considering that most people do work, it will not be free. When you decide to get a job, it won't be free for you either. There are also concerns, based on the model shown in the link provided by Gilgamesh. Whichever company wins this auction may be able to limit usage on what this free Wi-fi can offer. The FCC is already pushing for mandatory child locks until the user can vouch for being 18, so what's to stop this unknown company, which is still looking to profit off the other 75% of the waves for premium users, from bottlenecking certain services to sweeten the pot to upgrade? Usually the first things to suffer are downloading and online gaming.

Off-topic: That mod sounds likes a stand-up guy. If it were me, I would have unjustly banned you at least five times by now.

Good thing I don't' download pr0n or anything like that, and my computer is mostly used for surfing the internet/doing homework, and that online gaming isn't too taxing on bandwith and I'm 18.  Looks like I get out of this whole ordeal scott free, and with free internet to boot!

Off-topic:  Yeah, the mod was a stand-up guy when he was a regular member.  Aside from getting banned for something or other I can't recall now, but then he became a total dick when he was modded.  It's a shame too.  Zackblue would have made a better mod than this guy.  <_<