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Speaking from another pregnant womans perspective: Jewelry, jewelry jewelry. Something with the babies birthstone would be wonderful, but then again due dates change so you don't want to get it and have the baby born the following month. Even a necklace that says 'mom' would be really cute. [I'm pregnant ok these are things I would like, lol]

If that's too expensive though, get her something personal...As she's pregnant get her a nice blanket to snuggle up with as a smaller gift [heated blankets are a no-no for pregnant women], a picture frame for the babies first picture....How far along is she? Because depending on how far along she is I can give you different suggestions.

And I know you nixed the lingerie idea but pregnant women want to feel sexy too, and it'd probably make her feel great about herself if you got her lingerie right now considering she's probably feeling fat[you can find lingerie made for pregnant women on the internet, I can link you a few sites if you like]

Materinity clothes are also a good idea [but save the receipt women are picky]

Anyway, I can probably come up with a million more ideas if you don't like any of these.

Good luck!

My daughter is my world.