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"Individuals should not be prohibited from doing things that do not damage the welfare of others or security of the nation, whether or not the majority of citizens or their representatives want to."


That is exactly how it should be.

I know I am missing 4 pages of religious zealot arguments that have no real basis in any religious teachings beyond cryptic quotes taken out of context, but I just don't have time to read blind faith.

As a Muslim I don't think God intends us to be homosexuals, especially since that goes against the continuation of human life. However, I also don't think God will consider it a crime. After all, it would be pretty hypocritical to punish a homosexual when God creates people with both sexual organs. Who are they allowed to marry? After all, technically they are both woman and man.

So, if God can make a human that is both and then it is that person's inner desires that decides which team they are on, why can't God make a man or woman have inner desires for someone of the same sex?