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I think you are all missing the mark. I beleive the next gen consoles will be different from what we have seen before. I beleive we will see some kind of new hardware in 2011/2012 but it will not be another completely new console. I think it will be more like a updated system that will play new games better the the current gen but will have enhanced graphics and game play. I don't know the full story but I have heard some companies are working on a DVD system that enables 20GB on a normal DVD, like another lair of data so you would have DVD and then the enhanced part. Commadore did this is the late 80's with there systems, you had a tape and if you put the game in one system you would get basic graphics and sound, but if yiou had the 128 version it loaded better graphic and sound. This would have the transition between gens painless for both users, Software companies and hardware compaines. In the 80's it didn't really work but now a day games are writen with software tools, so would it be that hard to make two games from one original Idea. If anyone can do it then I think MS can as there dev tools are excelant.... Just my thought....