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Why all the want to combine PS3 and 360. What is the motive into HD vs Wii. And if that be true why not combine Wii with PS2 sales since the HD releases as well? Isn't that only fair.

These are the issues I always have with combining things for such reason. It's never about justice when combining it but using the combo as a way of devaluing or valuing something else.

Now what you say is probably true that wii can get to about 53% market share but I keep PS3 and 360 separate. If I were to combine them for an "HD vs not" I'd only fairly have to include sales of the PS2 since 360 released and combine them with Wii. Until then we are looking at a trend right now of Wii getting to 50%, 360 at 30%, and PS3 at 20%. Howeverf I feel in 2009 that 360 and PS3 percentage will start to move towards a median while Wii continues to grow and take shares from both of them.