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The title pretty much says it all, here. I'd like to give my father a video game that he could have fun with. This is something fairly important between him and me, actually: all of my gaming habits are owed to him, and he actually owned an Atari back in the day (I don't know which one) before getting an NES the Christmas before I was born. He stuck with games up through the N64 generation. The last game he seriously beat was Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, and he got something like 60% of the way through Turok 2 before having to call it quits.

He has the potential to play almost anything, but as an ex-gamer his core reflexes are shot. I don't know how well he would be able to play Turok if he picked it up today.

The idea that he's not participating in these times is kind of distressing to me, because I honestly believe that now is the best time so far to be a gamer, and I'd like to help nudge him back into the groove.

Here are the facts as you need to know them:

1. He used to be a "core" gamer but I would not call him that anymore. He doesn't like Halo.

2. He's a farmer and only has very few minutes on the average day where he can chill out and play a game. On the weekends and around holidays it's better, but a game where he doesn't have to invest a lot of time to get some decent returns would be ideal.

3. He's gotten more easily frustrated as time has gone on, so a "super hardcore omg" game is not the order of the day here. Maybe next year if he somehow gets back into gaming in a big way and his skills are back up to par, but for right now I want something relatively easy-going.

4. He likes swordplay, guns, and explosions. He does not like "boring" games. He likes games that are "cool". He doesn't like Team ICO games but thought Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time was pretty awesome when he watched me play it.

5. My brother owns both a 360 and a Wii, so he has access to both of those systems.

So that's it. I need a recommendation, because I am at a bit of a loss. I hear that the new Prince of Persia is good for this sort of gamer? Apparently it's very hard to die in it? I was thinking maybe De Blob or Boom Blox but I'm not sure that matches his tastes. He's not "casual", as the vernacular goes, by any means - his skills are just on the wane and his requirements for enjoyment have changed over time.

So, yes! Somebody with a 360, or a Wii, or both: help.