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I don't know why it is so hard to get people to understand just how much some of hate the GD analog controller. The learning curve to too steep. I don't have the time to master games with it. Also I don't care for super high resolution murder and mayhem, I've seen enough violent death in my life that I don't consider it recreational.

Anyone can play the Wii even my wife who hasn't touched a video game since the Atari 2600. Its the one console that tends to bring families together not to have one person isolate themselves. The games are designed so that even an unskilled player, inexperienced or very young, can do well enough to not be frustrated. That is the reason for the shells the go after the leader in Mario Kart. It adds enough element of chance that the best player will win over all but he won't win EVERY time.

It gets you off your butt and involved. To me it feels a lot more like I'm a participant rather than moving puppets around on the screen using little sticks and buttons.

I've been an active gamer since pong and I've never had as much just plain fun. I can pick up most games and play them for 15-20 minutes during a break from writing and come away having had a lot of fun. With some of the HD games I might have spent those 15 minutes just getting back into a complex story or watching a GD cut scene.

I think the PS360 is great for young males that have hours and hours to dedicate and the reflexes to play GTA. I don't. I have no desire to. I just want recreation.

Cost is a total non-factor. Even the PS3 is chump change. If I wanted one i would buy it. I own and play regularly on the Wii because of choice. If the PS3 went on sale for a $1.98, they would sell a lot, but they still wouldn't sell one to me.