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If price was such an issue, then the $100 Gamecube would have sold easily 50 millions last gen, and we all know it wasn't the case...

Now Nintendo has the opportunity to do the exact opposite: the price doesn't have to go down to stay competitive with the "mass demand" system (PS2 in that case), the price may stay up because it's the price of the new "mass demand" system (Wii in this case)...

And the competition (PS360) HAS to lower their prices, but not to win against Wii... only to win against each other... only the battle for the 2nd place...

With a weak dollar (not good for foreign companies), a less expensive console to build, and billions and billions in the bank, Microsoft may cut prices easily, while Sony just can't...

And Nintendon't care, because even in the Gamecube area, when so many "analysts" were pretending so accurately "Nintendo's dead", they were makin' profits... nearly the same profits for the past 15 years, in fact... and now, these "usual" profits have more than doubled, nearly tripled... and Nintendo's one of the Top 5 companies in Japan, while Sony's not in the Top 10 anymore...


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."